When you’re a home renovation franchise owner, navigating the dos and don’ts of renovation projects is crucial for success.

From helping homeowners reimagine their living spaces to providing top-notch customer service, the goal of each of our home improvement franchises is to elevate the standard of home renovation.

Join us as we dive into the intricacies of renovation and discover how N-Hance can empower you to thrive in the competitive landscape of home improvement.

Don’t Focus Only on Glamorous Home Renovation Projects

It’s easy to get swept up in the allure of glamorous projects that promise to dazzle and impress. 

While glamorous projects may offer instant visual gratification, they often overlook fundamental issues related to functionality and practicality. Franchisees must prioritize addressing these core needs before indulging in purely aesthetic upgrades. 

Homeowners don’t just want surface-level transformations; they seek comprehensive solutions that enhance their living spaces in meaningful ways. 

Do Encourage Homeowners to Have a Plan for Being Temporarily Displaced

Renovation projects can cause inconvenience and upheaval for homeowners, especially if they are unprepared for the temporary displacement that may result. By encouraging homeowners to have a plan in place, franchisees can help minimize disruption and ensure a smoother renovation process. 

N-Hance prides itself on the fact that we don’t cause displacement to families during the renovation process, causing as little disruption to their daily lives as possible.

Living amidst ongoing renovations can be stressful and chaotic for homeowners, leading to feelings of frustration and discontent. Encouraging homeowners to have a plan for temporary displacement can help alleviate these concerns and promote a sense of calm and serenity during the renovation process. 

Don’t Neglect the Impact of Curb Appeal

Curb appeal plays a significant role in determining a property’s market value. Homes with attractive exteriors command higher prices and attract more potential buyers. Neglecting curb appeal can result in a lower appraisal value and reduced marketability, ultimately impacting the profitability of renovation projects for homeowners. 

In today’s competitive real estate market, curb appeal can be a powerful differentiator for homeowners looking to sell their properties. Well-maintained homes stand out from the competition and attract more potential buyers, resulting in faster sales and higher offers.

Do Look at Value Added When Prioritizing Projects

Value-added projects are those that provide homeowners with the highest return on their investment. These projects typically enhance a home’s functionality, aesthetics, or energy efficiency, resulting in increased market value and resale potential. 

When it comes to N-Hance’s services, we strive to place the returns of kitchen renovations at the top of the list on the projects we work on, ensuring we are able to consistently provide clients with spaces that they can benefit from in more ways than one. 

Prioritizing value-added projects demonstrates your dedication to providing exceptional value and service to your clients. By consistently delivering high-quality results that exceed expectations, you build trust and credibility within your community, leading to repeat business and positive referrals. 

Don’t Neglect Preparation and Cleanup

Proper preparation is the foundation of a successful renovation project. Whether it’s sanding surfaces, filling cracks, or priming walls, thorough preparation ensures that surfaces are clean, smooth, and ready for refinishing. Neglecting preparation can result in uneven finishes, adhesion issues, and other quality-related issues that compromise the integrity of the final result. 

Renovation projects inevitably generate dust, debris, and other messes that can disrupt the daily lives of homeowners. Effective cleanup is essential for minimizing mess and restoring order to the home. Not executing proper cleanup can leave homeowners feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, tarnishing their overall experience with the renovation process. 

With N-Hance, you’ll be able to provide homeowners with a mess-free result that exceeds their expectations because we need to only lightly scuff wood surfaces, leading to less debris. 

Do Take the Home’s Original Style into Consideration

Every home has its own unique architectural style and features that contribute to its charm and character. Preserving a home’s architectural integrity is essential for maintaining its authenticity and value. 

Renovation projects should enhance the home’s original style rather than clash with it. Franchisees can create a seamless transition between old and new elements by taking cues from the home’s existing architecture, materials, and design motifs.

Avoid Common Pitfalls with the N-Hance Home Improvement Franchise

With the support of N-Hance’s comprehensive training, ongoing support, and strong business model, every franchisee has the resources to overcome challenges, capitalize on opportunities, and achieve their entrepreneurial dreams.

When you join the N-Hance family, you’ll be able to provide homeowners with an unmatched renovation experience that is not messy, allows them to stay in their space, as well as yield great returns when and if they choose to sell their properties. 


Transform homes and delight customers with N-Hance’s home improvement franchise opportunity. Together, we’ll make every home renovation project a masterpiece. Contact us now to get started!